Chris graduated in 2015 from New Jersey City University with an accelerated B.S. in Nursing. His first B.S. was in Engineering Physics with a minor in Philosophy from Fordham University. Chris originally joined the NYSIM team as a full time Simulation Facilitator in June 2012 and continued with us per session during his nursing program. He is excited about starting his career as a Registered Nurse, particularly in the fields of Palliative Care and Psychiatric Nursing.

When asked “Why did you want to become a simulation facilitator” he answered "My first career was in the nonprofit sector, specifically in the field of Immigrants’ Rights. I was preparing to transition to a new career in the Health Sciences when I heard about this opportunity to work with NYSIM as a Simulation Facilitator. NYSIM continues to be an amazing resource for my personal and professional development!"

One fun fact about Chris: When Chris is not at NYSIM, he is teaching poongmul-nori (Korean percussion) to LGBTQ Asian Pacific Islanders and their allies. These drummers can be found marching/performing at various events throughout the city, including the annual NYC Pride Parade.

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We are pleased to announce Dr. Sondra Zabar’s appointment as an Assistant Director at NYSIM and her role leading our Standard-ized Patient (SP) Program. She will focus on bringing new SP programs from CUNY and NYULMC to NYSIM and maintaining our high quality standardized patient educational and assessment activities. Dr. Zabar is the Director of the Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Training Program at the NYU School of Medicine. She is the Director of the Program for Medical Education Innovations and Research (PrMEIR), established in 2006 with the mission of advancing medical education scholarship at NYU and instituting best practices for patient-centered, evidence-based medical educa-tion through research, faculty development, and an internal grants program. She is a Professor of Medicine at the NYU School of Medicine and a member of the NYU School of Medicine Curriculum Committee, and she directs the NYU School of Medicine Stand-ardized Patient Program.

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NYSIM Visiting Fellowship Update

Silvania Klug Pimentel from Curitiba Brazil spent 6 months at NYSIM as a Visiting Fellow. During her time at NYSIM she worked with Demian Szyld and Aku Ude-Welcome (Director, Surgical Skills Lab) on various projects. Along with Mary Ellen Sheldon, she is a co-chair of the April 11th 2nd Annual Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation. She created and piloted several informed con-sent simulation sessions for the department of surgery at NYU. Additionally she played an important role in data collection and research with Adina Kalet, (Assistant Director for Research) and is a co-author on a recently accepted manuscript on the culture of safety, an effort that Grace Ng led this fall. Congratulations Silvania!

Silvania sent us the following communication this month: “Dear NYSIM friends, I’m back home in a much warmer weather. Its good being back but I’m missing you all already. You made my time at the NYSIM wonderful as I learned so much and had a great time doing so. Upon my return I will start work at a sim center in Brazil. My hope is that I can count on you all for your expertise, advice and maybe to coordinate a visit to my center.“

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NYSIM Coordinator’s Corner

The gallery show “Bedside Manner” by photographer Corinne Botz, illuminates simulation from both the SP and learner perspec-tives, ran from January 1 through February 6 at Benrubi Gallery. The show includes photos of Standardized Patients, as well as a short film that gives a glimpse into both real and simulated worlds and has artistic and educational impact. It also includes a photo of Ginny Drda, Program Coordinator at NYSIM, who is honored to be included in the exhibit.

The New Yorker article
Slate article

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Hot off the Press!

Grace Ng, MS, CNM, RN, & Halley Ruppel, MS, RN, CCRN "Nursing Simulation Fellowships: An Innovative Approach for Developing Simulation Leaders", Published in Clinical Simulation in Nursing, February 2016, 12(2), p. 62-28.

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NYSIM Associate Nursing Director and Nursing Simulation Fellowship Director Grace Ng and NYSIM Hearst Foun-dation Nursing Simulation fellow Halley Ruppel presented at the 14th Annual International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation & Learning (INACSL) Conference on June 11, 2015 in Atlanta. During the podium presenta-tion, titled “Beyond Faculty Development: Nursing Simulation Fellowships as an Innovative Approach for Devel-oping Simulation Nurse Leaders,” Grace and Halley described their respective experiences as fellowship director and fellow in the conception and implementation of a novel nursing simulation fellowship. Nurses charged with instructing in simulation-based education programs and managing simulation learning centers may be clinically experienced but often receive little or no specialized training in simulation, despite the complexity of simulation-based education. Limited avenues currently exist for training nurse educators in the specialized area of simulation education program leadership and management, and nursing simulation fellowships provide a unique solution to this gap. In the presentation, Halley and Grace discussed the back-ground, content and outcome measures of NYSIM’s innovative nursing simulation fellowship program.

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The world of standardized patient educators and technology continues to evolve at the blink of an eye! The 14th Annual Conference of ASPE, the Association of Standardized Patient Educators, was held in Denver on June 14-17 and highlighted the advancement of both human and technological elements of simulation. Topics presented included Leadership as Everybody’s Business, “Yes, And” Collaboration, and unique teamwork building skills – all essential components in simulation. Program Coordinator Virginia Drda attended the conference representing NYSIM. She and her colleagues are excited to apply these new and innovative methodologies to your standard-ized patient programs at NYSIM.

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