NYSIM Hosts 2nd Annual Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation on April 11, 2016

NYSIM Fellows Mary Ellen Sheldon and Silvana Pimentel co-chaired the Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation on April 11, 2016 at NYSIM. Over forty fellows, fellowship directors and others attended the one day symposium. The attendees traveled from all points in the US, as well as from New Zealand, Lebanon and Brazil. The distinguished plenary speakers were Dr. Chad Epps, President for the Socie-ty for Simulation in Healthcare and Associate Professor and Associate Director of Office of Interprofessional Simulation, University of Ala-bama, Dr. David Gaba, Associate Dean for Immersive & Simulation based Learning, Professor of Anesthesia, Stanford University, Ms. Bon-nie Driggers CEO, SimHealth group, Professor Emeritus Oregon Health & Sciences University and our own Dr. Thomas Riles, Executive Di-rector NYSIM, Associate Dean for Medical Education & Technology.

A panel of former fellows shared their thoughts and ideas about how their fellowship impacted them and their current positions. Ten fellows presented original research and capstone projects including such topics as central line training, in-situ simulations, ECMO manage-ment utilizing simulation, and assessing tracheostomy skills. The day concluded with a networking cocktail reception where fellows, direc-tors and staff where able to have more in-depth discussions surrounding simulation. The evaluations were overwhelmingly positive. We hope to see you next year in the Spring of 2017!

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