NYSIM Visiting Fellowship Update

NYSIM Visiting Fellowship Update

Silvania Klug Pimentel from Curitiba Brazil spent 6 months at NYSIM as a Visiting Fellow. During her time at NYSIM she worked with Demian Szyld and Aku Ude-Welcome (Director, Surgical Skills Lab) on various projects. Along with Mary Ellen Sheldon, she is a co-chair of the April 11th 2nd Annual Symposium for Fellows in Healthcare Simulation. She created and piloted several informed con-sent simulation sessions for the department of surgery at NYU. Additionally she played an important role in data collection and research with Adina Kalet, (Assistant Director for Research) and is a co-author on a recently accepted manuscript on the culture of safety, an effort that Grace Ng led this fall. Congratulations Silvania!

Silvania sent us the following communication this month: “Dear NYSIM friends, I’m back home in a much warmer weather. Its good being back but I’m missing you all already. You made my time at the NYSIM wonderful as I learned so much and had a great time doing so. Upon my return I will start work at a sim center in Brazil. My hope is that I can count on you all for your expertise, advice and maybe to coordinate a visit to my center.“

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